Brian B

Louisville, KY, United States

Apr 12 at 11:53 AM

Patrick Holt us too! We're actually working on some events that will include solid WCS & Country social dancing. It might take us a year or two to get them launched but we're working on them!


Apr 04 at 06:37 PM

The one and only!

Mar 25 at 04:56 PM

Hey Mark & Debbie! Welcome :-) I'm so happy you're here. We're excited to help you in anyway we can. Just like you guys we've made our best friends through dancing too! We've got plenty of steps to learn here in the membership. If you guys ever have any questions please let us know. We're always here to help! Happy dancing -Brian B

Commented on Which way to turn

Mar 12 at 01:11 PM


Also, like I said to Rebecca below, you're right in that as you become more comfortable with the footwork, you'll have a few more brain cells left available to focus on the arms, turn technique ect. If you have a specific subject you wanna brush up on like turns, there are 2 ways you can easily find some videos to help. #1 use the "Technique" filter and choose the subject. In this instance, spins or turns. Another way is to type "spins" or "turn" or "arms" into the search box.But as always PLEASE feel free to ask us here and we can point you to a video that will help (or even make one if we don't have one)

Mar 12 at 01:09 PM


You're right in that as you become more comfortable with the footwork, you'll have a few more brain cells left available to focus on the arms, turn technique ect. If you have a specific subject you wanna brush up on like turns, there are 2 ways you can easily find some videos to help. #1 use the "Technique" filter and choose the subject. In this instance, spins or turns. Another way is to type "spins" or "turn" or "arms" into the search box.


Commented on Which way to turn

Mar 12 at 01:02 PM

Hey Julie! That's a tricky one but if the leader is doing a decent job, then this video will explain a few things to pay attention to.


Proper Hand Connection for ...

Mar 12 at 01:01 PM

Those are great questions. Here is a video on arm positions during turns.


Arm Position in Turns


Mar 09 at 12:51 PM

These are the key videos that will talk about posture, balance with a few drills to help practice.
