Brian B

Louisville, KY, United States

Jun 04 at 11:30 AM

It's not easy at all but that's part of the fun right??? -B

Commented on Prospective Member

May 28 at 08:22 PM


Hey Jason!

Welcome. Thanks for introducing yourself :-)

I started as a linedance too. It’s a great foundation as dancer.

We’re excited you found us. Megan and I are teaching WCS & 2-Step (and doing a little linedance) in Norway as I’m typing this.

Please let me know if we can offer any advice! We’re alway happy to jump in and help.

May 25 at 09:52 AM

Thanks my friend. We're excited to share. Lots more cool stuff coming your way -B

Commented on Newbie here

May 24 at 01:44 PM

Hi Ed!

Wow Ohio is close to us (we’re in Louisville KY) maybe we will bump into you. What part of Ohio are you from?

Commented on Ballroom

May 24 at 01:42 PM


Hey Charles!

Welcome to your second wave of dance! I started in country as well in the 90’s and progressed into ballroom as well. Now that I’m past the “competitive” part of my dancing I’m obsessed with teaching (and learning) all styles of social dancing. As I type this, Megan and I are in Bergen Norway where we will be teaching WCS classes but we will also be learning a Norwegian swing dance style that we’ve never seen before. Dancing is so cool!

May 19 at 04:21 PM

I don't mind it at all. If we're following music trends (which drive dance styles and changes) there is a lot of V-Waltz music in country so I'm all for it. What are your thoughts?

Commented on Samba Voltas

May 14 at 01:57 PM

Great question. You'll wanna be alongside at the start but end slightly behind by the end as you enter. During the voltas... try to keep the follower in your "window" slightly to your right (as she would be in closed position)That's a good reference for most moves in general, try to keep the same orientation as you would if you were doing the move in closed position.Let me know if that clarifies it :-)


May 14 at 01:53 PM

Hey Travis,Off the top of my head...

BOSTON has a great WCS scene. Lots of studios and lots of dancing. Here is where I would start my hunt in Boston: Bill Cameron is the go to guy in the area.

NYC is another hot spot. Robert Royston lives there so you know there is good stuff. Again here is where I would start my hunt in NYC: Royston is the go to guy in the area.

CHICAGO is probably the best overall scene that I personally know of. They have weekly dances that rival a lot of small weekend events. West Coast Wednesdays is where I would start my hunt:

April Price is the go to gal in the area.

There are probably some other smaller local scenes that are really good mixed in but in those 3 major cities you can't go wrong. Please let me know if you have any more specific questions

Best wishes,


May 08 at 01:40 PM

We've got a recently added section! Thanks for the suggestion.


May 01 at 04:00 PM

Hey my man, It's showing in Two Step for me. If you search basket whip it will show up with everything listed as basket whip but if you use the "west coast swing" category then it does not show up. -B