Don McIntosh

Ottawa, Canada

Jan 11 at 11:29 AM

Emily (community manager)A minor website bug you may want to fix: If I search on Decap whip, I get five hits.  If I search on Decapative whip, I get two hits.  If I search on Decap whips or Decapative whips, noting is found. 

Jan 01 at 03:10 PM

Emily (community manager)Okay, thanks.  I watched the Decapative Whip series parts one and two, but I think I'll just stick with this step for now.  In Part one, Brian B calls it a Cross Hand Reverse Whip with a Leader's Peel Out.  I'd started leading it anyway, but there were further tips in Part 1 for me that I have not tried yet.  It doesn't feel as cool when I lead it as it does in the video, but that may be a matter of getting some tweaks from a local WCS teacher and/or a matter of managing expectations. 


Jan 01 at 02:43 PM

Emily (community manager)Okay, maybe I'll consider funding a teacher for a one month membership and see where that goes. 

Dec 10 at 09:25 AM

TL does not teach West Coast Swing.  She leaves that to Maria Ford, the most famous and longest standing WCS teacher in my city that I know of.  I would not be surprised to learn that you have met her.  But the same would apply:  If I wanted to enlist her help in doing something in one of your videos, how easy would it be to give her access to it and at what price? 

Dec 09 at 01:14 PM

At 4:43 in this video, you cover a more advanced step and break it down into mostly a variation on a reverse whip with an outside turn ending, plus a twist on beats 4 and 5 for the lead.  I like this pattern and I'm trying to learn it.  Do you cover this pattern in any other videos?

And while I'm here, I should ask: I take private lessons from TL at Dance with TLC here in Ottawa.  If I find new steps in dances she has already taught me steps in, Twinkle and Weave in Waltz for example, she might want to see what I'm looking at so that she can comment on the content.  Do you have any special arrangements or prices for qualified dance teachers?