Reverse and Natural Turns, Walts Intermediate. The video does not play.
Please check the video called "Rumba Moves" 10:03 mins. It does not play. Thanks!
This is Ed from Ohio, I just started dancing with my girlfriend about 8 months ago and love it. I'm just finishing up the trial period and will be signing up for the annual membership. I now have so much great information to go through. Thanks!
The Cross Body Lead is easy enough from the closed position, but do you, can you, or should you do it from the open position?
SAMBA - 12:19 into video - Voltas. On entry does the man line up with the women or is he slightly behind
Repeating Subscriber - I decided to renew my subscription so I can enjoy all of the videos and information available. Great website!
We saw some of your lessons on YouTube and liked your approach and are trying the free trial period. We have a disco thing going on here in our town, so we're practicing hustle moves. On YouTube, you have, for example, a video called The Neck Wrap (Intermediate). I am not finding that on this site. How in sync with your YouTube videos is this site? Or are they just named differently. I hope that anything you have on YouTube will be findable here.
Just curious if the set your location option for the profile is still a work in progress. I notice it only gives me city that are not in the U.S.
Mark and Debbie Jordan, we have been dancing about 5 years. We live in a small town and since Covid there is no where for us to take lessons. We have made the best friends dancing. There is a group of us that go out every weekend dancing. We need some new steps and continue to learn. It is good for us.
Here's another issue I have. Most likely because I'm newer and think about the steps too much. I end up breaking proper upper body frame, having shoulders too high, drooping my arm, and putting too much pressure on the leader's arm. I've been given a physical example of using the back muscles instead of the shoulder muscles, but I have to focus on that. So when I get to focusing on learning the footwook, I can't help but to lessen my focus on keeping my arms up. Any advice on that?